Standards-Based Learning & Reporting

What is it and Why?

Standards-based learning and reporting is a system for promoting learning through

two 4th graders working independently in flexible seating chairs

research-based practices. In order to accurately evaluate and communicate student learning, SCV35 has developed K-8 report cards that align with the standards students are expected to learn. The standards are the learning goals set for students to achieve by the end of each school year.


How is learning evaluated and communicated?

Learning is evaluated based on the evidence that students demonstrate. Evidence may come from assessments, assignments, projects, or tasks in which students demonstrate their learning independently*. This evidence of learning will be evaluated through the use of proficiency scales.

SCV35 proficiency scales communicate learning levels, based on the academic standards. The learning levels are:
(1) Emerging, (2) Developing, (3) Proficient,
(4) Extending. The goal for all students is to reach the proficient or extending levels. Therefore, students have multiple opportunities to demonstrate their learning.

*Some standards indicate that adult support is needed or suggested. In these cases, students may have the support indicated by the standard.


SCV35 Proficiency Scale

When will this start?

SCV35 has been using academic standards to guide instruction, but we have not communicated student learning based on standards. Grades have been reported using traditional methods such as percentages and overall letter grades. Student learning will be reported based on standards beginning in school year 2022-2023 for students in K-8 and in school year 2023-2024 for high school students.

How is learning reported?  What will report cards look like?

New report cards will communicate learning levels for the standards, or learning goals, taught during the reporting period and throughout the school year. The learning levels are the same levels indicated on the SCV35 Proficiency Scale: (1) Emerging, (2) Developing, (3) Proficient, (4) Extending.

This type of reporting communicates student achievement of the academic standards so that families and students can determine where students demonstrate proficiency and where they need more practice and/or support. See the "Standards-Based Reporting" example below.

 comparison of a traditional report card and a standards based report card

Where can I can go for more information?

Families can expect to receive communications about standards-based learning and reporting through school newsletters, site council meetings, and social media posts.
When the new standards-based report cards are released, families will receive guidance on interpreting students' learning progress and scores.

If you have immediate questions, please contact your site Parent Lia

school logos and Parent Liaison phone number